JazzCom has joined the PR hub to consult Ukrainian businesses in Europe

Ukrainian businesses support in PR and communications in Europe from recently launched PR Hub.


Ukrainian communication agency we know already for a while - M&P Communications - launched an international communication hub developed in cooperation with leading European agencies. Jazz Communications has become the member of the hub in Latvia. The PR Hub will help Ukrainian businesses create effective communication strategies to expand into other markets and communicate there considering language and cultural specifics.

M&P Communications, together with partners from 11 European countries, has created PR teams for working with Ukrainian businesses abroad. The goal is to help Ukrainian businesses communicate effectively in local markets, avoiding mistakes or inefficient use of resources caused by a lack of connections or a lack of awareness of local peculiarities.

According to Forbes, since 24 February last year, more than 70 Ukrainian businesses have already started exporting services and goods and are actively expanding their presence in Europe. The recent study also shows that 76% of Ukrainian brands are planning further expansion abroad. However, for 33% of businesses, this process is complicated by language and cultural barriers, as well as difficulties in the operations, including communication in a foreign market. These challenges can be overcome by a unified communication teams of Ukrainian and international experts.

The hub's coordination center is located in Kyiv. Local offices are represented by leading European PR agencies with years of experience in local markets. Each country has a separate specialist  for Ukrainian companies, who can guide Ukrainian entrepreneurs on the specifics of communications. The experts have knowledge of local specifics, communication channels, and have experience and connections at the local level. Currently, the project is already working in 11 European countries, including Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Kosovo, etc . Negotiations for further development of the network are ongoing.

"We see more and more Ukrainian companies considering expanding their business abroad, and we are proud of them. We also recognise the importance of effective communications for this success. Having many years of experience working with our partners in international markets, we understand how different successful communication strategies can be depending on the country. Therefore, we want to offer our experience and connections to Ukrainian companies to build effective communications. Unified teams of Ukrainian and international specialists will help not only to overcome the language barrier, but also to take into account the cultural peculiarities of both Ukrainians and the audiences they are interested in. Moreover, our approach allows us to avoid additional costs for commissions that usually arise between agencies when they transfer clients to each other, leaving coordination to themselves," - said Taisa Stadnichenko, PR Hub project manager.

“A top-notch business plan might only succeed partially if you're unfamiliar with the local market's written and unwritten rules, traditions, and communication norms. While markets may appear alike at first glance, they vary significantly, and effective communication can greatly impact success. We specialize in consulting how the market in Latvia operates, offering valuable advice and consultancy to get the best business results, avoid crises in communication and to become a part of the local market,” Linda Vītola, Founder and Consultant, Jazz Communication, a PR agency with over 15 years of experience in Latvia.

The Hub will help companies expand into new markets and provide effective PR and marketing support. Starting from the planning stage and market potential assessment, strategy development, to current communications.


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